Added on October 18, 2010
Andrew Dipper
Barry Dodds , Charlie Chuck , Comedy , John Smith , Phil Kay , St Dominic's , The Grinning Idiot
The Grinning Idiot prides itself on presenting more alternative comedians than most clubs in the region – and if it means a few bemused faces at the end of the night then so be it. Having both Phil Kay and Charlie Chuck on your line-up is asking for mayhem. But that is what The Grinning Idiot’s promoter John Smith did, and, even after the show at St Dominic’s Catholic Club, the night’s MC had no regrets.
Added on October 14, 2010
Jamie Stubbs
Comedy Listings , Isy Suttie , Jethro , Jim Jefferies , Mick Ferry , Norman Lovett , Shappy Khorsandi , Simon Donald , The Grinning Idiot , Whitley Bay Playhouse
The newly refurbished Playhouse is centred in right in the middle of Whitley Bay’s culture section just off Spanish city and the coast, the theatre itself is a lovely, spacious, modern venue seating around 600 and has hosted many comedy nights since its rebirth from newer, more cutting edge and thought provoking comics such as Chris Addison and Jim Jefferies to old favourites such as Jethro and Ken Dodd.
Added on October 9, 2010
Luke Milford
Comedy , Gary Delaney , John Scott , John Whale , Nick Cranston , Review , The Barnes , The Grinning Idiot
Having never previously been to a Grinning Idiot comedy night I didn’t really know what to expect, but I not disappointed. The event was held upstairs in The Barnes in Sunderland, and proved to be a nice little venue that really added to the feel of the evening.
Added on October 1, 2010
Giggle Beats
Him Off The Viz , Simon Donald , The Grinning Idiot
Extract from ‘Oh Dear. Big School.’ All three Donald boys attended the same secondary school that Mum had been to as a girl. When she was a pupil the school was two separate establishments, a boys’ grammar school and a girls’ high school, sharing a red-brick building opened in 1928 by King […]
Added on August 23, 2010
Jamie Stubbs
Dan Willis , Edinburgh Fringe Comedy , Michael Jackson , The Grinning Idiot

Directly following Dan Willis’ ‘Ferris Bueller’s Way Of…’, the Newcastle comic performed a themed show in the same venue as a non-offensive, humorous tribute to Michael Jackson.