Review: Richard Herring: Christ On A Bike – Assembly@George Street, Edinburgh.

Richard Herring
I consider Richard Herring to be one of the must-see performers of any Edinburgh Festival Fringe, so much so that I had the opportunity to see an Edinburgh preview of ‘Christ On A Bike’ at the Live Theatre in Newcastle this July but declined so I could see it in all its glory at The Fringe. Other comics you may consider to be must-see may include Kitson, Lee, Watson, Maxwell or Hills but for me it is the chubby half of 90’s double act Lee & Herring, who received fame last year for his Edinburgh show ‘Hitler Moustache’.
‘Christ On A Bike’ is a rehash of Herring’s first ever solo show from 2001 and deals with the weighty topic of religion and Christ himself with such theological and morally important questions as, ‘How long was Jesus’ cock?’ Herring explains the second coming of the Lord may already be upon us, long-haired, bearded, wearing sandals, preaching his views. However he is not saying that he is the new Jesus – that is for others to say.
Herring has amassed quite a following at this festival, once playing to a sold out room with a capacity of 375 for a month, which is why he decided to bring this revised show to Edinburgh. As he mentions himself, you know you’ve made it when your room has chandeliers.
Here Herring is at his finest, as he knows the room is there for him and him alone. These are his fans, meaning he has the creative licence to embark on lengthy monologues, amazing memory pieces or even just discuss religion rationally without fear of misinterpretation or offence. I believe that in this space and time, Herring has finally found his place in comedy and reached the point where he needs to be. I can only hope he remains there for many Edinburghs to come.
Date of live review: Thursday 14th August
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