Review: Dan Willis: Ferris Bueller’s Way Of… – Espionage, Edinburgh.

Dan Willis
As a patron of the Newcastle comedy club Dan Willis has a hand in organising, I’ve been watching his Edinburgh shows for the past couple of years now. This year’s Ferris offering is a rehash of an original Edinburgh run detailing humorous events in Willis’ life interspersed with clips from the hit 1986 movie ‘Ferris Bueller’s Day Off’. The overall narrative of the show is poignant yet just as silly as Willis finds himself, looking to the cool and laid back character Bueller for tips on how to live his life.
As a non-religious man he can’t turn to Jesus when seeking help and guidance. So what would Ferris do?’, he asks. He somehow ends up using Bueller as his role model and motivator during incidents involving friends, women, arguments and fights which are then told to the audience filled with punch lines as part of the overall story. The use of multiple clips directly ripped from the film itself adds to the hilarity, although it is questionable whether the audience may just be happy to watch the movie.
It’s clear that Willis has put a great deal of time and effort into this solo show. The technical aspect alone betters anything else you’ll witness as part of the Laughing Horse Free Festival, and I would recommend this free show for anyone looking some light hearted, good natured, non-offensive fun in Edinburgh at 5:45pm. Willis is not looking to change the world with his beliefs and ideas or shove them down your neck (which can be refreshing during the hectic and intense Edinburgh festival) and if you get nothing out of this show the least you’ll come away with is a free badge.
Date of live review: Wednesday 11th August.
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