Giggle Beats

It’s A Nice Day For A Royal Wedding!

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John Scott | Giggle Beats

John Scott

God save the Queen. On April 29th 2011, The Laughter Surgery Comedy Club presents It’s A Nice Day For A Royal Wedding, an occasion for comedy fans to leave behind the street party mania that will be gripping the UK and enjoy a different kind of celebration. It’s an afternoon of comedy, music, fine wines and victuals, hosted by The Laughter Surgery founder Dave McBeth.

Leave the car at home!  The Laughter Surgery’s bus will pick up and drop off at the choice of two specially selected venues – As You Like It in Jesmond and The Brandling Villa in South Gosforth, home to The Laughter Surgery’s newest night as from March this year. You will be taken to Barn Asia where lunch shall be served from 1pm, followed by an afternoon of live comedy and music at the Discovery Museum’s iconic Great Hall. The line-up consists of Anvil Springsteen, John Scott, Steve Drayton, Vladamir McTavish and MC Dave McBeth, whilst band the Troubleshooters compliment the locally based acts on offer.

Places for It’s A Nice Day For A Royal Wedding are limited, and The Laughter Surgery encourage you to book your table early. Early group booking will attract this generous celebratory discount:

Ticket Prices

Eager Subjects: £400 per table of 10 people up to 31st March 2011

Tardy Subjects: £500 per table of 10 / or £50 pp from 1st April 2011

Your ticket price includes pick up/drop off at As You Like It and The Brandling Villa; lunch at Barn Asia; and an afternoon of amusement at the Discovery Museum, plus your very own souvenir of the day.

For more information don’t hesitate to contact Dave McBeth at or on 07903 29 44 71.

It’s A Nice Day For A Royal Wedding