A Day In The Life Of…Chris Ramsey

Chris Ramsey
It’s been said for some time now that comedy is ‘the new rock and roll.’ My day, on paper, should disprove that once and for all.
Depending what I was doing the night before, my wake up time will vary, so…
I normally tumble out of bed, and I stumble to the kitchen, pour myself a cup of ambition, yawning, stretching… actually, no, I go for a piss first. Then I have a cup of ambition (water).
Depending on where I’m gigging in the country that night I may have a shower and get dressed early, or I may stay in my pyjamas for a bit. I’ve just moved into a new flat, so I can’t actually remember a day when I haven’t had some kind of house related DIY or furniture building to do. I’m getting amazing at it now; I don’t even read the instructions (not in a ‘men never read the instructions’ kind of way, more in a ‘I know them all off by heart like a self-assembly Rainman’ kind of way). Seriously, I can erect a wardrobe faster than most women can erect a cock.
Most of my day is taken up in front of a laptop, to be honest. Answering emails (and Facebook), booking gigs (and Facebook), sorting my diary out (and Facebook), researching things (on Facebook).
But, now and then, some clown will ask you to write a piece for their amateurish comedy website about your Top Ten Favourite Meals or If You Could Be In A Taxi With Anyone, Who Would It Be? or A Day In The Life Of.. or some crap. So I’ll normally knock it out in about 15 minutes or so, put no effort in at all, and come across like a right bell-end in the finished article. Ahem.
All the while I’ll have BBC News 24 in the background in the vein hope that something will happen in the world that I can make jokes about. I’ll be honest, this week – it’s not happening. Some of the worst stories I’ve ever seen are currently on repeat:
“On the 14th day of 2011, the world gave to me…
Re-cess-ion, V-A-T, expenses, floods, 2 PEADOPHILE RINGS, stiiill fall-ing snow, shops-lose-sales, Eee-Co-Li and a shooting in the Uuuu-S-A”
Happy January everyone.
If you want to see Chris Ramsey live, he is performing in his hometown this summer on the 4th and 18th July at South Shields’s Customs House. Tickets are priced at just £6 and more information will be available soon.