Podcast: All Killa No Filla #16

Episode 16 is a live show that we’ve decided to release. Each episode we asked a comedian to pick a killer and come on and chat about them – Ed Gamble picked Peter Sutcliffe, the Yorkshire Ripper.
Podcast: All Killa No Filla #15

Episode 15 looks at Ed Kemper, The Co-Ed Killer. He’s a big lad with a high IQ and from what Rachel and Kiri hear, he writes back to you. Let’s hope he doesn’t listen to podcasts for their sake.
Podcast: All Killa No Filla #14

Episode 14 looks at Nikolai Dzhumagaliev, Metal Fang. He’s got a badass nickname and a habit of eating women. Short one this as it turns out that the then Soviet Countries like to keep this kind of thing quiet…
Podcast: All Killa No Filla #13

Episode 13 looks at Colin Ireland, the Gay Slayer. We’ve got teddy bears 69ing, a leather bar and an interesting serving suggestion for snooker balls. Enjoy!
Podcast: All Killa No Filla #12

Episode 12 looks at Ivan Milat, the Backpack Murderer. The hero of the piece? A man called Paul Onions. It’s worth listening just for that.
Podcast: All Killa No Filla #11

Episode 11 looks at the Soup Kitchen lovers Ottis Toole and Henry Lee Lucus. Confessions, serial killer bingo and broom handles, this podcast has it all.
Podcast: All Killa No Filla #10

Episode ten looks at the Milwaukee Monster, Jeffrey Dahmer. Find out what “Doing a Dahmer” entails, how Jeff spent his prom and hear just how ropey Rachel’s Roland Rat impressions is.
Podcast: All Killa No Filla #9

Episode nine looks at Harold Shipman, or Dr Death as he was known. The most prolific British serial killer of all time, a beloved GP and a drug addict. Standard.