Competition: Win Two Tickets To See Seymour Mace At Creased Comedy Club
You may have missed Seymour Mace at Sunderland Empire last night, but luckily for you he’s returning to the North East this Friday alongside Simon Donald at Creased Comedy’s new professional night. You can read Susan Brown’s review of Mace’s performance here – however you and a friend could see him live for free at […]
Competition: Win a Richard Herring:Hitler Moustache DVD

Since we’re lovely people here at Giggle Beats, we like to reward our visitors not only with our words but also occasional competitions. Last time we gave away a pair of tickets for The Laughing Penguin’s Barry Dodds show in Newcastle, and this month we have a Richard Herring DVD for you. Herring’s Hitler Moustache […]
A Day In The Life Of…Tiernan Douieb
Our first ever ‘A Day In The Life Of…’, with Tiernan Douieb.
Interview: The Boy With Tape On His Face

There are several possible routes to stand-up comedy success. But until now, gagging oneself with duct tape was not considered one of them. It’s worked for New Zealander Sam Wills, though. Already a multiple award winner Down Under, in August Wills’ act The Boy with the Tape on His Face became one of the hits […]
Extract #1 From Simon Donald’s ‘Him Off The Viz’
Extract from ‘Oh Dear. Big School.’ All three Donald boys attended the same secondary school that Mum had been to as a girl. When she was a pupil the school was two separate establishments, a boys’ grammar school and a girls’ high school, sharing a red-brick building opened in 1928 by King […]