Edinburgh Fringe review: Carey Marx, Abominable

Carey Marx is unique. Carey Marx is very comfortable with who he is. Carey Marx fills his own space in the standup underworld. Carey Marx is the friendly face of dark comedy.
Edinburgh Fringe review: Andrew Lawrence, Reasons To Kill Yourself

Andrew Lawrence is known for his downbeat delivery and impassive attitude to his audiences, but tonight’s performance of Reasons To Kill Yourself takes that to a new level. His opening gambit is to apologise for his sore throat, explaining that he has been retching at five-star reviews of less skilled comedians.
Edinburgh Fringe review: Chris Ramsey, The Most Dangerous Man On Saturday Morning Television

Followers of Chris Ramsey’s career will know that in 2012, he was thrown off, and subsequently banned from, Soccer AM. The clip of what happened is available on YouTube. It lasts about two minutes.
Edinburgh Fringe review: Mark Watson, Flaws

“I’m just warming up…” says Mark Watson, lightly jogging on a treadmill, as the audience file in and attempt to find a seat at a sold-out Pleasance One.
Edinburgh Fringe review: Zoe Lyons, Mustard Cutter

Some comedians like to start their shows at the Fringe with a massive overblown entrance, some like to launch straight into their biggest gag, and some like to talk to the audience and warm the room a little.
Edinburgh Fringe review: Tom Stade, Decisions, Decisions

Anybody familiar with Tom Stade’s trademark blazer, slick hair and designer stubble may be shocked by the unkempt, long curly-haired, and bearded look he is going for with 2014’s Decisions, Decisions.
Edinburgh Fringe review: Susan Calman, Ladylike

Probably best known for her regular appearances on Radio 4’s The News Quiz, Susan Calman attempts to break stereotypes immediately by taking the stage to Greenday’s Basket Case.
Edinburgh Fringe review: Micky Cochrane, What The Fudge?

Playing to a small audience in an intimate venue, Micky Cochrane dispenses with the formalities as he dances around the stage in his own trance, hinting at the fact that this may not be a run-of-the-mill comedy show.